Tuesday, February 9, 2016

100 Days SMARTER!

What a great day of learning, February 2nd was! It's hard to believe we are 100 days (105 now) into our school year! 

Camryn made this sign at home and it was a great addition over our door!
Mrs. Smith and I rocking our 100 shirts! She had a 100 day puzzle. Izzy guessed correctly that it was hot air balloons. My shirt was an addition to my Halloween I-Spy shirt! 
Kids worked in groups to try and build structures with 50 marshmallows and 50 toothpicks! 
They also made hidden 100 pictures. Can you find the numbers for 100? 

Here's to the next 69 days of amazing learning!

Patterns of the Sun

We began studying space in science. We first started by learning about patterns of the Sun. We made Sun Trackers or Sun Dials and learned how they can help us tell the time of day. We went out three different times and pointed our plates to the north. We saw, throughout the day, the shadows were in different places. We later looked at how those places were in the same places as the hour hand on a clock! 
10:45 AM -Pretend the N is the 12 on a clock. :) 
12:20 PM 
2:40 PM 

They were so excited to see how the earth was turning throughout the day to make the sun look as if it was moving! 

We are now learning about patterns of the moon! 

Shared Reading with Mrs. Smith

Students began by reading Tuesday by David Wiesner. It is a wordless book. Students then worked with a partner to add narration to the pages with post-its. They were all SO engaged! 

Mrs. Smith then turned all the pages into a class book. It was a great way to make predictions about what we thought the the characters were saying!